Slim Your Waist with a Cantaloupe Lime Smoothie

A delicious smoothie made with the most popular melon in the USA! Cantaloupe are amazing! They are high in fiber, vitamin A,C,B, loaded with calcium, potassium, protein,& beta carotene providing cancer fighting benefits. A whole cantaloupe is under 200 calories, the fiber makes you feel full to help slim your waist. Look for a cantaloupe that’s cream in color not green on skin, that way it is ripe.

Our waist size is a good indicator if we are at a higher risk for disease. I’m not saying to be a buff supermodel, just to be aware of our mid-line. A very basic guideline is; more than 40 inches for men & over 35 inches for women; measurement at the waist is a indicator that you at a higher risk for disease than normal.

  • So what’s in this smoothie?
  • 2 cups cantaloupe chunks
  • 1 lime, zest & squeeze juice
  • 1/3 peach slices
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ice
  • Blend & enjoy

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cantalooupe smoothie in glass with cantalope wedge, recipe

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