How to Lose 10+ Pounds in a Month

How to Lose 10+ Pounds in a Month by doing these 2 Simple Steps & Eating More than Apples & Eggs.

These are the 2 simple steps that changed the scale with little effort. 

Make sure to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every day! This can easily be done as long as you are conscious of how much you are drinking. It helps flush toxins out of the body, prevents dehydration headaches. Water is essential for the body to function at its best.

Add a smart product to the beginning of your day. A smart product increases focus, curbs cravings, increases metabolism, promotes lean muscle and more.

Eliminating the cravings helps lead to better eating decisions (no junk) & more than just apples & eggs diet to crash off of. Choose to fuel your body to a healthy you, not just a lower number on the scale. Find the right smart product that suits you here.

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