CBD Oil Benefits. What does it help? Is it legal

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This article will cover the pros & cons of CBD oil benefits along with a general guide of how much to use. I’m not a Dr. so as with anything new please consult with your Dr. when considering a supplement or alternate to medicine. 

cbd oil on countertop

Here are some CBD Oil Benefits to consider.

What is CBD?

CBD is a oil derived from Hemp, not Marijuana. Both of these plants are part of the Cannabis group. Hemp has significantly less THC, in fact it has to be .3% or lower to be classified as CBD use Hemp. The oil is squeezed from the stalk. Since the THC is so low there is no HIGH effect. Like you would get with Marijuana. 

Hemp is a super plant as it is one of the strongest, longest durable fibers & can be grown without the use of pesticides or herbacides, making it Earth friendly.

cbd oil sample
A few fun facts
  • Boat/docking rope is made from Hemp along with other rope
  • It makes 4 times the FIBER per ACRE as a Pine Tree
  • It can be recycled more times than tree based pulp products (paper etc)
  • It’s easy on the soil as it doesn’t strip it of nutrients ( no need to rotate crop)

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Will CBD make me high?

No it will not. It is not psychoactive, meaning mind altering. This also means it doesn’t cause dependance or tolerance. So it’s a great choice over Opioids.

CBD is the new leader for treating:

  • General Pain, Arthritis pain, Rheumatoid, Multiple Sclerosis, Sciatic Nerve Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep Aid
  • Restless Leg
  • Inflammation
  • Seizures

How does it work?

CBD works with the body to maintain Homeostasis, helping the body to adapt to stress, stress triggers.  

cbd for anxiety, person sitting alone

How does CBD help Insomnia & Anxiety?

CBD acts on the brain receptor for serotonin. Serotonin regulates mood, social behavior & depression. This helps quiet our mind at night when we are trying to rest. Allowing the body to rest when needed as well as staying calm during the day when it can be difficult to cope with challenges.

What can CBD do for Cancer?

Studies are showing it may have anti-cancer properties. More studies are needed before a firm conclusion is made, but there have been results where CBD inhibited the spread of Breast Cancer Cells. How exciting is that! This inhibite on cells has shown a positive preliminary with Alzehimers as well. Slowing, if not preventing cognitive decline.  

It is known to help with Chemo related vomiting, nausea & reduction of pain. That Homeostasis we want to keep in a “norm”, along with its muscle relaxent properties assist with being able to eat, keeping food down.

Does CBD ease Arthritis Pain?

Yes CBD has anti-inflammotory benefits that reduce the pain caused by arthritis or even nerve damage.

Is CBD for treating Seizures?

CBD has shown to reduce muscle spasms & number of seizures, with an overall reduction of them both in Adults & children. Since there is a decrease in muscle spasms some have found releif from Irritable Bowel Syndrome by using CBD oil. Be aware as with any treatment to try a partial dose first to eliminate any reactions. As it may cause convulsions.

Will it flair up my Acne or Eczema?

No it will not. You may discover less breakouts, less Eczema. CBD reduces inflamation along with regulating skin oil production encouraging abnormal cell death. 2 major factors of skin conditions. This means that extra layer will shed off instead of building up “plaque” or creating acne.

It also contains Vitamin E, improving & protecting skin. It is most effective taken orally but can be used topically as well on Eczema. & of course it helps to steer clear of sugar, dairy, & grain as these are common skin outbreak triggers.

Can CBD calm Restless Leg Syndrom?

Yes it can calm & quiet leg sensations. Wake up rested, not feeling like you ran a marathon. CBD helps increase dopamine that calms muscles & nervous system improving Homeostasis.


cbd rls legs swimming

Is CBD safe with my Heart Health?

If you are on heart medicine please consult with your Dr first as it may interact with other meds such as Blood Thinners.

CBD has the ability to lower overall Blood Pressure due to its stress & anxiety reducing properties helping the body to adapt to stress. (Homeostasis) Stress is the number one cause of High blood pressure.

Will I lose Weight with CBD?

CBD can help maintain a level Blood Sugar, this stimulates the break down of Proteins, those break down fat in turn burning calories. Making it possible to lose weight. If you struggle to maintain weight no worries the balance of blood sugars may help you keep the weight. 

Side Effects of CBD

As with any supplement or treatment there is a possibility of a reaction. The most common side effects of CBD is fever,diarhea, convulsions, fatigue, dry mouth, & change of appetite. It is suggested to start with 1 drop to see how you feel & if there is a  adverse reaction- do not use. With the many benefits of CBD Oil it is worth trying if you struggle with any of the above. Here are a few examples of how CBD has helped individuals.

CBD oil testimonials that use the same USA product I use

It’s stress relieving to be able to turn my brain off & calm muscle spasms that create pain. I now look forward to night time knowing I will actually sleep! My testimonial. 

Game changer, I wake up energized!  Michelle

Life changing, as I was only averaging about 3 hours of sleep because my brain just never quits! Best sleep of my life, 6 hours! Stephanie

This is helping my migraines that I haven’t found relief from in years. Courtney

I fall asleep peacefully, & I’m still able to get up with my children. Katie

Even though I was “sleeping” 8 hours, my fitbit showed I was really only sleeping 4 hours, until I started using this CBD oil. I feel amazing, & calmer during the day. I checked my Fitbit in disbelief thinking it was all in my head. It showed I deep slept for 6 1/2 hours! Beth 

cbd legal oil on towel

Is CBD Oil Legal?

Yes CBD is legal in almost all of the USA. You wont even have to Google to find out if it’s legal in your state as the checkout process is smart for this organic USA product. If you reside where it’s not allowed your state will not be listed. As mentioned earlier in the article it contains less than .3% THC therefore it’s not mind altering & still has all the benefits.

What is a dose of CBD? How much do I take?

The provided information is a reference. There is no specific dose since it varies for each person & what you are using it for. The dose can be as small as 3 mg 3 drops or as high as 300 mg. As with any supplement consult with your Dr before starting.

1 to 6 mg per 10 pounds of body weight or 25 mg, thats a half dropper full apx. is a starting point. It is important to start with ONE drop to see how you feel in case of adverse reaction-then do not use. If it goes well increase dose, stay at that level for a week then re-evaluate increasing if needed, until relief is found.  Most give up during this trial & error time period, give it a honest trial to find the dose that helps you.

Also understand CBD is not a miracle cure. The effects are not instant.

Well how long does it take for relief? How do I use it?

Relief should take effect within 30-60 minutes & last up to 4 or more hours. As every individual is different, this is a average. To use: first shake bottle, fill dropper to amount desired. Place under tongue & hold for 30-60 seconds then swallow. Oral is the most beneficial, it can be applied topically as well, however I prefer Emu Oil for a topical treatment. 

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CBD is benificial for pets too

Having the same effect for your pet helping with seperation anxiety, pain, lack of appetite, calming.

Wanting to try CBD Oil?

This organic USA product is what I use & recommend. It undergoes the highest testing using quality CBD. And you can try a sample.

cbd oil sample

The sample is on us,  you can help with shipping costs. I hope you find relief like I have.