5 Health Benefits of a Cherry Berry Pomegranate Smoothie

5 Health benefits of a Cherry Berry Pomegranate Smoothie

berry smoothie

With a whole cup of dark cherries in this smoothie it packs a punch of health benefits. Like anti-inflammatory, improving memory function, anti-oxidant, lowers blood sugar, & natural melatonin.

So how do dark cherries lower blood sugar? Well, the deep color of the fruit contains antioxidant anthocyanin. When we consume anthocyanin it increases our insulin production up to 50% meaning our body is able to convert sugars & lowering glucose levels. And yes, cherries do have sugar. An average of 13 grams per cup. With the benefits of this fruit it is not a high concern.

Another wonder of the dark cherry it has natural melatonin. Why is this exciting,,, it helps regulate our sleep cycle! To eat a whole cup daily is not necessary , enjoy a few as a snack and enjoy nightly rest.

Powerful anti-oxidants help lower compounds in our system that act as anti-inflammatory. This helps with arthritis, & gout. These anti-oxidant benefits can last for up to 12 hours. Of  course anti-oxidants are also amazing cancer, free radical fighters.

Last fun fact, dark cherries also contain anthocyanin it has been shown to increase memory function. 

Supplying daily values of 34% Vitamin A, 25% Vitamin C, & 2.5 grams of fiber the dark cherry makes for a great snack or smoothie ingredient. Pair this smoothie with a smart product to super charge some of the benefits. For instance increase memory!

5 Health Benefits Cherry Berry Smoothie









Enjoy the recipe!

  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1 cup dark cherries
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tablespoon chia
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 smart product

Why use a smart product

To assist with weight loss, curb cravings, mental clarity, & energy with no crash. Try it here.

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