Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie Recipes to fuel your body with smartcaps, a win win!

Cocoa Recipes

Smart Cocoa can be used hot or cold!

Coffee Recipes

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee. hot, iced, with ice cream or smoothies, lattes or flat many delicious options!

Saturday Splurge

Treat recipes to use with your smart coffee, smart cocoa, smart caps. We all deserve a splurge once in a while!


One Smart Product a day for REAL results.

Here are a few stories. What will your story be?

Try a Sample

Try a sample on us! We only ask that you cover the shipping cost. Get yours on the way today!

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Cocktail Recipes

Not all cocktail drinks will be "skinny" As a previous bartender this is where I share recipes & tips for creating cocktails (skinny drinks or not so skinny drinks)


Diy, photo stuff & other goodness can be found here.

My Story

Let me first introduce myself, I go by Beck, I share my passion for photography & horses, with youth in our county. I also enjoy dancing & hot rods, yes fast cars old & new, Sideways on dirt or quick down the pavement.    So how did I get started on this new adventure?

Since 1993
